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Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

City and region

Sustainable urban development and mobility of the future in NRW

Life takes place locally, in the cities and regions of North Rhine-Westphalia. They are subject to constant change due to economic, demographic and ecological developments, which constantly brings new challenges. In order to overcome these, the ERDF/JTF program NRW offers a wide range of funding opportunities for sustainable urban development, future-proof mobility solutions and tourist experiences.

Funding for sustainable urban development

Lively neighborhoods that are suitable for children, families and generations and at the same time focus on climate protection and climate adaptation - this is the goal of urban development in North Rhine-Westphalia. The ERDF/JTF program NRW therefore supports the upgrading of urban and local districts in which social, demographic, economic, ecological and urban development challenges are concentrated. The basis for this are municipal or regional action plans, which are developed with the participation of local people and interest groups. They focus mainly on open and green spaces, public spaces in residential areas, the development of brownfield sites and public facilities, including energy-efficient renovations.


Shaping culture, nature and sustainable tourism

North Rhine-Westphalia is an important European tourism region that has great potential with its diverse cultural and natural attractions. Investing in sustainable and responsible tourism stimulates local and regional development and increases the quality of life in harmony with nature and the environment.

Tourism in NRW creates over 450,000 jobs and makes a significant contribution to economic development, with positive effects on other sectors. To make it more resilient and attractive, North Rhine-Westphalia is focusing on sustainable, cultural and nature tourism. The "Erlebnis.NRW" competition aims to strengthen these areas through innovative experience offers and the expansion of infrastructure in harmony with nature. Digital solutions and new technical developments are intended to increase competitiveness. Municipalities, SMEs, municipal companies and institutions as well as chambers, associations and foundations are eligible to participate. Find out more about the call for funding "Erlebnis.NRW".


Mobility of the future

The demands on mobility in our cities and communities are changing. The "car-friendly city" is no longer the measure of all things; instead, networked solutions are needed today to reorganize traffic. They should be climate and environmentally friendly and make it possible for everyone to reach their destination: whether by bike or car, by public transport or on foot - and, above all, cleverly connected. The ERDF/JTF NRW programme supports the design and implementation of the mobility of the future in large and small cities and their surrounding areas - for example in the form of modern transport systems that contribute to lower emissions, better air quality and greater road safety, or digital services that optimally manage routes and commercial traffic and thus minimize CO2 emissions from the transport sector, or the redesign and redevelopment of areas in favour of sustainable mobility solutions.

Measures for the mobility of the future that work well in the city and region and the knowledge about them should also be widely used beyond national borders. Local authorities and municipal companies or institutions can apply for funding, including in joint projects with research and educational institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises, chambers, associations and foundations. The projects must relate to a municipal or regional mobility plan.

All measures in the ERDF/JTF NRW program must be assessed as compatible with the "Do no significant harm" principle (DNSH principle). For infrastructure investments with a longer-term impact, it is necessary to assess climate compatibility at the level of the individual project. Find out more about these requirements in the "ERDF/JTF transparency" section.


Support measures

The ERDF/JTF NRW 2021-2027 program offers a wide range of funding opportunities through the implementation of the priorities. The priorities are subordinated to a total of 12 different specific objectives, from which the programme's 30 or so measures are derived in order to provide the necessary impetus for future development.

Changing neighborhoods

EFRE funding for the upgrading of urban and suburban areas

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Municipal companies and facilities
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Chambers, associations and foundations

EFRE funding for sustainable, innovative and digital ideas for future-proof tourism

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Bergisches Rheinland
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Municipal companies and facilities
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations
REGIONALE Bergisches RheinLand

EFRE funding for business, climate and research in the Bergisches RheinLand

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Small and medium-sized enterprises
Municipal companies and facilities
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations
REGIONALE East Westphalia-Lippe

EFRE funding for networked mobility, research and innovation as well as digitalization in Ostwestfalen-Lippe

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Small and medium-sized enterprises
Municipal companies and facilities
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations
REGIONALE South Westphalia

EFRE funding to strengthen cities and rural regions, society and the economy in South Westphalia

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Municipal companies and facilities
Sustainable urban mobility

EFRE funding for the design of sustainable and modern transport systems in urban areas

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Municipal special-purpose associations
Municipal companies and facilities
Energy-efficient public buildings

EFRE funding for the energy-efficient refurbishment of public buildings

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Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations

EFRE funding for projects for climate impact adaptation or risk prevention in public spaces

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