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Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

Innovation and research

Innovation promotion in NRW

In North Rhine-Westphalia, business and science are to be supported by research and start-up-friendly offers. With targeted innovation funding, new results from research can be implemented in the economy. Together, we make the opportunities for synergies and cooperation between different institutions visible and promote them. In this way, we build on the strengths of the location and develop them further.

With knowledge transfer to an innovative NRW

Universities and research institutions, businesses and regions benefit from good networking. This is where the ERDF/JTF program in North Rhine-Westphalia comes in and promotes project-related networks in order to integrate small and medium-sized enterprises in particular more intensively into current research and innovation activities. This strengthens the transfer of knowledge between universities and start-ups with the regional economy as well as the exchange for joint knowledge generation - for a sustainable expansion of the innovation process. The regional innovation strategy of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia provides the framework for innovation and research funding activities. Find out more about the innovation strategy.


Supporting innovation

Developing innovative, sustainable and marketable products, services and processes is particularly successful when SMEs work together with other companies, universities and research institutions. Through the joint development of innovative ideas and an intensive transfer of knowledge, companies drive products forward to market maturity. In order to find the best project ideas, six innovation competitions have been launched in the ERDF/JTF program of North Rhine-Westphalia:

In the innovation competitions, implementation-oriented projects that are not yet ready for the market can apply. Projects developed in the context of international, cross-border cooperation projects can also receive funding.


Expanding research infrastructure

The ERDF/JTF program will provide targeted funding for the expansion of research infrastructure and increase capacities for the development of pioneering services. This involves implementation-oriented research at universities and non-university research institutions as well as competence and application centers in cooperation with companies. Support is provided to institutions whose activities contribute to the sustainable solution of major societal challenges and strengthen the economy in North Rhine-Westphalia in the innovation fields of the NRW Regional Innovation Strategy.


Patent exploitation

University inventions and patent applications are often abstract. The science is often ahead of its time or the market opportunities are not the subject of research. As a result, the economic potential of these inventions is not clearly recognizable and remains untapped. The innovation funding of the ERDF/JTF program NRW is intended to drive their market development, also to increase the interest of SMEs to invest here. This accelerates the innovation process and closes the gaps between scientific invention and commercial use.



Technology and knowledge transfer

Research-related networks and institutions can significantly improve the transfer of knowledge and technology between the public and private sectors. The innovative strength in the region is strengthened and synergy effects through the joint use of resources are optimally utilized. Particularly in areas where small and medium-sized enterprises are underrepresented in the research and development process, networks can expand the transfer of knowledge between universities and the local economy.

Projects that receive innovation and research funding in North Rhine-Westphalia via the ERDF/JTF program must pursue certain goals and principles:

  1. Strengthening the economy through knowledge transfer,
  2. sustainably expanding and strengthening the innovative capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises and
  3. expanding and strengthening innovation and technology-oriented fields of expertise.

All measures in the "Innovation and research" thematic area were assessed as compatible with the "Do no significant harm" principle (DNSH principle), as they do not have a significant negative impact on the environment due to their nature. Find out more about the environmental impact assessment in the area "ERDF/JTF transparency".

Support measures

The ERDF/JTF NRW 2021-2027 program offers a wide range of funding opportunities through the implementation of the priorities. The priorities are subordinated to a total of 12 different specific objectives, from which the programme's 30 or so measures are derived in order to provide the necessary impetus for future development.

Small and medium-sized enterprises
Municipal companies and facilities
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations
Energy.IN.NRW innovation competition

EFRE funding competition for ideas for the sustainable transformation of energy, industry and construction

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Small and medium-sized enterprises
Municipal companies and facilities
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations
Healthier.IN.NRW innovation competition

EFRE competition for innovative solutions for the healthcare industry, medicine and life sciences

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Small and medium-sized enterprises
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations
GreenEconomy.IN.NRW innovation competition

EFRE competition for innovations in the environmental economy, circular economy and climate adaptation

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Municipal companies and facilities
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations
Industry.IN.NRW innovation competition

EFRE competition for the development of innovative materials, production processes and technologies in industry

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Small and medium-sized enterprises
Municipal companies and facilities
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations
Innovation competition NeueWege.IN.NRW

EFRE competition for innovative and sustainable solutions for mobility and logistics

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Small and medium-sized enterprises
Municipal companies and facilities
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations
NEXT.IN.NRW innovation competition

EFRE competition for innovative applications, services and products for culture, media and creative industries, information and communication technologies and artificial intelligence

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Small and medium-sized enterprises
Municipal companies and facilities
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations

EFRE funding competition for investments in innovation and research capacities

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Small and medium-sized enterprises
Municipal companies and facilities
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations
Regio.NRW - Transformation

Call for ERDF funding to shape regional innovation and transformation processes

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Small and medium-sized enterprises
Research and educational institutions
NRW patent validation

EFRE funding competition for inventions and patent applications from universities to increase application maturity

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Research and educational institutions
Start-up Center.NRW

EFRE funding for business start-ups at universities

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Research and educational institutions
Start-up Transfer.NRW

EFRE funding for innovative, technology-oriented, knowledge-intensive start-ups

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Business founders and start-ups
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Municipal companies and facilities
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations
Pact for Information Technology 2.0

EFRE funding for extracurricular activities to teach digitalization and IT skills

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