About us
Administrative authority
The task of the ERDF administrative authority in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy is the overall coordination of European regional funding in North Rhine-Westphalia in terms of content and finance. With the two departments 521 (program management) and 522 (program implementation), it is responsible for the efficiency, effectiveness and proper administration and implementation of the program.
The core task of Unit 521 is the program management of the ERDF. This includes the areas of fundamental questions of funding policy, content planning of the program, financial controlling and support of the IT system. The core task of Unit 522 is the implementation of the ERDF program with the central tasks of quality management, monitoring, evaluation and communication.
Contact us
Kirsten Kötter
Referatsleiterin 521
EFRE-Grundsatzfragen, Programmsteuerung, Leiterin der EFRE-Verwaltungsbehörde NRW
Berger Allee 25
40213 Düsseldorf
Mirjam Grotjahn
Referatsleiterin 522
EFRE-Evaluierung/Monitoring und Kommunikation
Berger Allee 25
40213 Düsseldorf
Ralph Sterck
Referatsleiter 523
EFRE-Förderverfahren, Rechnungsführung
Berger Allee 25
40213 Düsseldorf
Authorizing bodies/intermediate bodies (ZGS)
At the intermediate bodies you will find the decentralized contact persons for all those interested in funding - from the application to the processing of funded projects:
- Bezirksregierung Arnsberg (Dezernat 34)
- Bezirksregierung Detmold (Dezernat 34)
- Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf (Dezernat 34)
- Bezirksregierung Köln (Dezernat 34)
- Bezirksregierung Münster (Dezernat 34)
- Innovationsförderagentur NRW (IN.NRW)
- IHK Beratungs- und Projektgesellschaft mbH (IBP)
- Landes-Gewerbeförderungsstelle des nordrhein-westfälischen Handwerks e.V. (LGH)
- Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz NRW
The ERDF/JTF program in North Rhine-Westphalia is implemented by the entire state government. The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
is in charge.
These other ministries are involved in the ERDF/JTF in North Rhine-Westphalia:
- Staatskanzlei NRW
- Ministry of Schools and Education NRW
- Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs NRW
- Ministry of Children, Youth, Family, Equality, Flight and Integration NRW
- Ministry of Regional Identity, Communities and Local Government, Building and Digitalization
- Ministry of Culture and Science NRW
- Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport NRW
- Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Protection NRW
- Ministry of Finance
Audit authority
The audit authority is part of the Ministry of Finance of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. It is an organizational unit independent of the established management and control system (managing authority, certifying authority and intermediate bodies). The audit authority is responsible for issuing an audit opinion on the accounts of the managing authority and the certifying authority in accordance with international auditing standards.
The audit authority carries out audits of the effective functioning of the management and control system at the bodies involved in the program. In addition, expenditure reported to the EU Commission as eligible for funding after the call for funds has been checked is audited on the basis of a random statistical sample of both the bodies involved in the program and the funding recipients. The results of the audits are summarized in an annual audit report on 15 February and submitted to the EU Commission.
In addition to the activities described, the audit authority also prepares an expert opinion on the designation of the managing authority and the certifying authority, which is a prerequisite for interim payments from the EU Commission to the state of NRW.
Contact us
Jörg Schlüter (Leitung)
EU-Finanzkontrolle, Prüfbehörde EFRE Referat III C 2
Ministerium der Finanzen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Jägerhofstraße 6
40213 Düsseldorf
Jana Krant (Stv. Leitung)
EU-Finanzkontrolle, Prüfbehörde EFRE Referat III C 2
Ministerium der Finanzen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Jägerhofstraße 6
40213 Düsseldorf
Certifying authority
The certifying authority for the ERDF/JTF program NRW 2021-2027 is assigned to Unit 523 "Certifying Authority ERDF" in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy NRW. The certifying authority bears overall responsibility for the payment processing of all ERDF/JTF program funds.
The main tasks include:
- Prepare payment applications and the annual accounts, submit them to the EU Commission and certify that they result from a reliable accounting system.
- Certify to the European Commission that the payment claims and accounts are complete, accurate and true and that the expenditure accounted for complies with applicable law and has been incurred for operations selected in accordance with the applicable ERDF and JTF criteria.
- ensure that a system for the electronic recording and storage of accounting data of each operation is in place, recording all data necessary for the preparation of payment claims and accounts.
- keep records of expenditure declared to the Commission, of public support paid to beneficiaries and of amounts to be recovered, recovered and retained.