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Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen


Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations

Heat, drought and flooding are also increasingly threatening NRW. Measures are therefore needed to protect cities and municipalities from climate change-related hazards.

North Rhine-Westphalia wants to contribute to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and support the establishment of a climate-neutral Europe. The municipalities, cities and districts with their diverse tasks have a decisive role to play here. After all, it is precisely at municipal level that concrete responses to the consequences of climate change must be found and implemented. Be it the growing number of heat-related deaths or damage caused by flooding: What is needed are measures that make urban infrastructures climate-proof and strengthen local resilience to extreme weather events. A total of around 37 million euros is available for this as part of the "Klimaanpassung.Kommunen.NRW" funding call.

From adaptation to prevention

Projects in or on buildings, properties and in public spaces in North Rhine-Westphalia that serve climate impact adaptation or risk prevention are funded. These include:

  • Projects to protect against overheating, drought and aridity
  • Projects to create evaporative cooling
  • Projects to restore natural soil exchange processes
  • Projects to pursue the sponge city principle (to infiltrate, evaporation, storage, retention and harmless drainage of precipitation water)
  • Projects for protection against climate change-related natural hazards and extreme weather events

Frequently asked questions

The call is aimed at:

  • Municipalities
  • Research and educational institutions
  • Chambers, associations and foundations

The deadline for the first submission round was 29.02.2024 (expired). The deadline for the second submission round was 31.07.2024 (expired).

The competition provides for a two-stage procedure. Project outlines can be submitted via the portal. Further information on the procedure can be found on the website Please make use of the advisory services offered by the NRW Innovation Promotion Agency.


Förderbekanntmachung „Klimaanpassung.Kommunen.NRW"

Find your contact person

Anna-Lena Mönnekes

Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Detmold
Leopoldstraße 15
32756 Detmold
05231 71-3476

Laura Urmersbach

Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Köln
Zeughausstraße 2-8
50677 Köln

Karolin Forke

Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Münster
Domplatz 1–3
48143 Münster
0251 411-4558

Adelina Butu

Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Köln
Zeughausstraße 2-8
50667 Köln

Nujin Bilmen

Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf
Cecilienallee 2
40474 Düsseldorf
0211 475-3826

Alexander Windlinger

Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf
Cecilienallee 2
40474 Düsseldorf
0211 475-4262

Lisa Schmatz

Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Arnsberg
Seibertzstraße 1
59821 Arnsberg

Miriam Franken

52428 Jülich
02461 61-84009

Peter Funken

52428 Jülich
02461 61-84027

Further links and downloads

Further information on the funding priorities and bases, the application and approval procedure as well as the selection criteria in the course of the online-based submission process can be found in the funding announcement.


In the first submission round, eleven entries were informed of the evaluation and selection results and invited to submit an application.

Leerer Tab-Titel

Staelscher Hof, Rheine

The redesign of Staelscher Hof is intended to improve the quality of life in the city center and the microclimate in the area. As part of the redesign, the square is to be made greener. Underground retention boxes will serve as a buffer for surface water.

TRIWADU - Drinking water fountain Duisburg

A total of 50 new public drinking water fountains are to be built as part of a smart and integrative location concept. The fountains are to be installed at central locations in the city. A test run with smart sensor technology to record quality and consumption is planned for ten drinking water fountains.

Outdoor facilities Alanbrooke, Paderborn

The aim of the project is the climate-adapted design of the Alanbrooke quarter and a development towards a new, innovative, climate-friendly and exemplary residential and commercial quarter. The approximately 18-hectare (ha) site will not only be home to an urban quarter, but also a green oasis in the form of a central, approximately 5.2-hectare public green corridor.

Climate-adapted upgrading of the Josef-Anton-Gera-Platz, Bochum

This is a largely sealed area with few trees, which is to be upgraded with more gravel lawns, more trees, possibly a drinking fountain and structural shading elements to adapt it to the climate.

MAKA - Climate adaptation package of measures, Geldern

Immediate climate adaptation measures are to be implemented, which are defined accordingly as part of the "Sustainable Urban Development Concept 2040". Specifically, a green space is to be created on Schloßstraße and sealed surfaces are to be broken up. The roofs of the citizens' forum and a kindergarten will be greened.

Climate-friendly redesign of Heinsberg secondary school playground, Heinsberg

The redesign of the schoolyard leads to the unsealing and greening of the schoolyard. The newly created troughs and cisterns collect the excess rainwater, the sponge city principle is followed and expanded in the town of Heinsberg.

Schul&Klima - Climate-adapted schoolyards, Remscheid

Three schoolyards in high-density inner-city locations are to be qualified as green neighborhood oases and thus make an important contribution to climate impact adaptation. The city combines this with the aim of enabling the vulnerable group of children in particular to grow up healthily in a stimulating learning environment.

KliSch Velbert - Climate-resilient schoolyards, Velbert

The school playground areas are to be converted in a climate-friendly and needs-oriented manner, making them sustainable and future-oriented in the long term. This concept is being developed and tested using the Gerhart-Hauptmann School in Velbert as an example. The redesign of other schoolyards is also being planned based on this concept.

GSNütterden/KRBG - Climate-friendly redesign of the school grounds, Nütterden

The roof of the building is to be equipped with ecologically valuable greenery. The primary aim is to completely disconnect the property from the combined sewer with the help of infiltration trenches, a cistern and a natural trough channel.

JNG schoolyard redesign - Jodocus Nünning Comprehensive School, Borken

The school playground is to be redesigned to make it climate-friendly and create an attractive learning environment. In order to counteract the negative consequences of climate change in the long term, the town of Borken is pursuing a holistic approach that is not limited to individual measures. Instead, various climate adaptation measures are being sensibly combined with one another.

KlimaKitasMerzenich - Climate-adapted daycare centers, Merzenich

The aim of the project is to redesign the outdoor area of the Regenbogen daycare center in the heart of the municipality in a natural, sustainable and climate-adapted way. The municipality of Merzenich wants to take a resilient approach to the future and, as a first step, protect particularly vulnerable groups from the consequences of climate change.

Alle Fördermaßnahmen ansehen

Das EFRE/JTF-Programm NRW 2021–2027 fördert Projekte aus den Themenfeldern Innovation und Forschung, Gründung und Digitalisierung, Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung, Stadt und Region, Transformation in Kohleregionen sowie Strategische Technologien. Finden Sie jetzt die passende Fördermaßnahme für Ihr Projekt!