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Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

REGIONALE South Westphalia

Small and medium-sized enterprises
Municipal companies and facilities
Research and educational institutions
Chambers, associations and foundations

Projects wanted for a digital, sustainable and authentic future in South Westphalia - with the REGIONALE Südwestfalen, NRW and the EU are promoting the research and innovation structure, science and technology transfer, digitization and resource conservation in the region.

The REGIONALE is a structural funding instrument in North Rhine-Westphalia for implementing regional development strategies and structurally effective projects. With the REGIONALE 2025, South Westphalia wants to make targeted use of the opportunities presented by digitalization in order to tackle the challenges of a rural region with a strong industrial base in an exemplary manner and to further develop its qualities in a sustainable and qualitative manner. Focusing on the needs of the people and with the program of the South Westphalia DNA "Digital-Sustainable-Authentic", the region is developing solutions for a sustainable strengthening of the region.

Three fields of action are of particular importance: The field of action "Shaping space" includes projects for smart urban and village development as well as innovative mobility. Socio-cultural coexistence is the focus of the "Strengthening society" field of action. The "Developing the economy and work" field of action focuses on project approaches that are dedicated to regional resources as "treasures" and digitalization as an opportunity for people and companies.

Ideas and concepts for the structural strengthening of South Westphalia

The three fields of action will address the key issues and challenges of the future:

  • Designing industrial transformation processes in close cooperation between companies and universities and building up corresponding skills and specializations
  • Developing innovative, digitalized processes and instruments that have a broad impact on the economy, universities, administration and citizens and open up new perspectives
  • Strengthening sustainability and resource efficiency in economic activity and action, administration and citizens and open up new perspectives
  • Strengthening sustainability and resource efficiency in economic activity and in the design of mobility

To this end, the call "REGIONALE South Westphalia - Projects for a digital, sustainable and authentic future in South Westphalia" supports creative ideas and concepts for the following objectives:

  • Expanding research and innovation (R&I) infrastructure and capacities for the development of R&I excellence
  • Strengthening knowledge and technology transfer between the public and private sectors at regional level
  • Developing digital business models, products, services and production processes
  • Saving resources and building a circular economy.

The European Union and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia are providing funding totaling around 30.5 million euros for this purpose.


Förderbekanntmachung „Regionale Südwestfalen – Projekte für eine digitale, nachhaltige und authentische Zukunft in Südwestfalen"

Frequently asked questions

The call is aimed at:

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Municipalities (except for Specific Objective 1)
  • Municipal enterprises and institutions
  • Research and educational institutions
  • Chambers, associations and foundations

Applications can be submitted from 2023 to 2025 up to the cut-off dates of 01.09. and 01.03.


The "REGIONALE Südwestfalen" call provides for a two-stage procedure. Project outlines are submitted via the submission tool at Please be sure to take advantage of the advice offered by the Arnsberg district government, the Südwestfalen Agentur or the Innovation Promotion Agency NRW (IN.NRW) in advance.

Find your contact person

Carla Cruse

Kontakt / Beratung
Bezirksregierung Arnsberg
Seibertzstraße 1
59821 Arnsberg
02931 82-2785

Pia Franzen

52428 Jülich
02461 61 84020

Dr. Stephanie Arens

Südwestfalen Agentur GmbH
Martinstraße 15
57462 Olpe
02761 83511-20

Martin Roderfeld

Bezirksregierung Arnsberg
Seibertzstraße 1
59821 Arnsberg
02931 82-2742

Alle Fördermaßnahmen ansehen

Das EFRE/JTF-Programm NRW 2021–2027 fördert Projekte aus den Themenfeldern Innovation und Forschung, Gründung und Digitalisierung, Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung, Stadt und Region, Transformation in Kohleregionen sowie Strategische Technologien. Finden Sie jetzt die passende Fördermaßnahme für Ihr Projekt!