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Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen


Municipal companies and facilities
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Chambers, associations and foundations

"Erlebnis.NRW" wants to make tourism fit for a sustainable and digital future. After all, tourism is an important economic factor in NRW. To keep it that way, innovative ideas with a regional focus are needed.

Tourism is an important economic factor in North Rhine-Westphalia. Over 450,000 jobs are directly attributable to tourism. Other sectors also benefit from the positive development of tourism - with a noticeable impact on the state's overall economic situation. With the "Erlebnis.NRW" call for funding, the state government therefore wants to strengthen tourism for the challenges of the future and increase its competitiveness.

Integrative and region-specific

Innovative and authentic experiences are just as much at the heart of the measure as the expansion of infrastructure and an integrative approach that develops tourism in conjunction with culture and in harmony with nature. The basis is formed by territorial strategy concepts with which the regions have identified their specific challenges and fields of action.

Digital solutions in demand

The aim is to strengthen sustainable tourism as well as cultural and nature tourism in the country's tourism regions. A sustainable qualitative upgrade of infrastructures or their new construction is just as much a part of the package of measures as digital innovations. Project ideas that take up new and as yet unadapted technical developments are therefore expressly invited to participate.


Förderbekanntmachung „Erlebnis.NRW", 3. Runde

Frequently asked questions

The call is aimed at:

  • municipalities
  • municipal companies and institutions
  • small and medium-sized enterprises
  • chambers, associations and foundations

The deadline for the first submission round was 31.01.2023 (expired). The deadline for the second submission round was 31.01.2024 (expired). The deadline for the third submission round is 31.01.2025.

Please make use of the advice offered by the Kommunal-Agentur NRW or the responsible district government before submitting your application.

The "Erlebnis.NRW" funding call provides for a two-stage application procedure. Project outlines are submitted via the EFRE.NRW.Online-Portal. Further information on the procedure can be found on the website

Find your contact person

Taner Akkayali

Karl-Heinz-Beckurts Straße 13
52428 Jülich
02461 61-84500

Philipp Esser

Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Münster
Domplatz 1–3
48143 Münster
0251 411-1211

Sarah Stephan

Förderrechtliche Fragestellungen
Bezirksregierung Detmold
Leopoldstr. 15
32756 Detmold
05231 71-3406

Martin Roderfeld

Förderrechtliche Fragestellungen
Bezirksregierung Arnsberg
Seibertzstr. 1
59821 Arnsberg
02931 82-2742

Iris Niederstrasser

Förderrechtliche Fragestellungen
Bezirksregierung Köln
Zeughausstr. 2-10
50667 Köln
0221 147-3317

Katharina Ling Hagedorn

Förderrechtliche Fragestellungen
Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf
Cecilienallee 2
40474 Düsseldorf
0211 475-2224

Christina Jansen

Karl-Heinz-Beckurts Straße 13
52428 Jülich
02461 61-84500

Further links and downloads


In the competition for the best ideas and concepts, an independent review panel examines and evaluates the project outlines on the basis of transparent selection criteria and recommends the most innovative contributions for funding. In the first round of submissions, which ended on January 31, 2023, 25 of the 80 project outlines submitted were recommended for funding, which can now apply for a total of around 24 million euros for their projects. In the second submission round, 19 projects were recommended for funding by an independent jury of experts from the fields of tourism, culture and nature, who can apply for a total of 29.4 million euros for their projects.

Leerer Tab-Titel

Data platform with parking guidance system

The municipality of Möhnesee wants to make a dynamic, fully digital guest management and guidance system based on real-time data available via an open data platform. This enables comprehensive information and guidance for visitors as well as an optimal experience of the natural environment of Lake Möhne while protecting it at the same time.

Droste worlds

The aim is to increase the attractiveness of the "Droste Worlds" area - Museum Burg Hülshoff - Lyrikweg - Haus Rüschhaus - through new offers and innovative processing. The project combines nature with cultural tourism components, knowledge transfer with artistic formats, analog with digital elements and monument preservation with participation.

Annette von Droste zu Hülshoff Foundation

Places of discovery - experiencing nature for the youngest

A network of easily accessible nature discovery sites close to residential areas is to be set up in all South Westphalian nature parks as an offer for families in particular. This includes twelve routes for nature explorers, including the provision of educational content via smartphone.

Sauerland Rothaargebirge Nature Park e.V.

Lower Rhine Experience 4.0

The project aims to showcase the cultural landscape and natural spaces in the Wesel district through analog and digital storytelling and provide high-quality digital and sustainable experiences regardless of opening hours. The accessibility of the natural experiences without a car is also to be improved and made sustainable.

DevelopmentAgency Economy District of Wesel

Münsterland adventure destinations

The aim is to develop participatory offers for biodiversity topics in the Münsterland in the form of guided tours and workshops for visitors to the Münsterland park landscape. The development of a cycle route, the training of biodiversity ambassadors and targeted visitor guidance are also planned.

NABU-Naturschutzstation Münsterland e.V.

Paderborn adventure trail

Together with many partners, a multimedia, interactive and cross-thematic adventure trail is being developed around the city of Paderborn. The focus will be on historical, social, natural history and sporting themes, both in digital space and in listed buildings and the great outdoors.

Vorlesebande e. V.

Expansion of the Möhnesee Water and Forest Landscape Information Center

The LIZ Möhnesee Experience & Nature Park and ESD Regional Center in the district of Soest is located in the listed building of the former "Günner Mühle" mill. The main aim is to expand the existing facility using sustainable construction methods and to further develop it into a nationally significant, sustainable and inclusive experience and information center as well as an ESD hub for the whole of South Westphalia.

Municipality of Möhnesee

Limitless - Managing tourism infrastructure sustainably

A region-wide management system is to be created for the optimal management of tourism infrastructures, which will ensure the comprehensive infrastructural quality of products and services in the long term. Based on a digital twin, this will form the basis for the strategic further development of natural areas for recreational purposes.

Bergisches Land Nature Park Association

Hagen time travel

By combining a classic city tour in Hagen with the use of state-of-the-art VR technology, a hybrid offer has been created that provides access to the special era of the Golden Twenties in Hagen. The offer includes nine experience stations on an approx. 2.5 km long, barrier-free route through Hagen's city center.

Hagen Wirtschaftsentwicklung GmbH

"Hand in Hand" - Experience the sustainable circular economy for yourself

In Linnich, the traditional brewery and distillery Lambertus Bräu & Brand GmbH is to be transformed into a tourist attraction that visitors can experience and touch. On a tour, guests will be able to see and experience a sustainable circular process from the raw materials (grain and fruit) to the production of their own mini mash using historical equipment.

Lambertus Bräu & Brand GmbH

Jahrhunderthalle Bochum 4.0

The Jahrhunderthalle Bochum will become a "hybrid experience space" in which the history of the location will be digitally processed and brought to life in a target group-oriented way.

Bochumer Veranstaltungs-GmbH

Climate experience trail Oerlinghausen

A 5 km circular tour is to be created in the nature area adjacent to the Oerlinghausen/ Kreis Lippe climate experience world. The 9 structurally reduced, digital stations with interactive features will focus in particular on the topics of reforestation, temperature, climate change and biodiversity.

Lippe Tourism & Marketing GmbH

Model region for sustainable tourism in the Teutoburg Forest

The aim is to establish a model region for sustainable tourism in the Teutoburg Forest destination. Among other things, the six participating districts and Bielefeld are to be certified according to "Tour Cert", new sales concepts are to be developed with the involvement of regional products and techniques for guiding visitors are to be used at pilot locations.

OstWestfalenLippe GmbH


The aim of the project is to set up a sustainability workshop in NRW with the aim of developing a sustainability agenda for North Rhine-Westphalia as a travel destination and its tourism stakeholders. Among other things, guidelines for destinations and small and medium-sized enterprises are to be developed for this purpose.

Tourismus NRW e.V.

Nature vacation in the HiIler Land

Under the motto "Holidays between heaven and earth", innovative experiences are being created in Hiller Land in Westphalia: including sustainably designed infrastructure for the natural swimming lake with adjacent observatory, digital information services including a stamp pass app and themed events.

Municipality of Hille

Ocean route "The coming and going of the sea"

The Ennepe-Ruhr district wants to create a cycling experience as part of the IGA on the history of the earth, continental drift and the conquest of the oceans and land by plants and animals in the Ruhr region. Digital time travel will be offered at adventure stations. To this end, geological outcrops and evidence of maritime history will be presented with innovative installations and digital, multimedia presentations.

Broich Palace - augmented reality time travel from the Vikings to Queen Luise

The aim is to develop a free app for smartphones to take guests on an augmented reality journey through the history of Broich Castle in Mülheim an der Ruhr. The historical adventure trail at Broich Castle is linked to the virtual journey through time.

Mülheim City Marketing and Tourism GmbH

Smart Wood - Digital world of experience Arnsberg Forest Nature Park

The project will make the existing offers of the Arnsberg Forest Nature Park more accessible and easier to experience digitally for specific target groups. Among other things, existing (themed) trails will be equipped with digital information and nature experience stations, guided tours with virtual park rangers will be offered and digital guidance for visitors will be implemented.

Soest district administration

"Smart tourism laboratory"

The project aims to bring holidaymakers in the Sauerland closer to the topic of sustainability. Tourist products and services are to be adapted and further developed, in particular with the help of digitalization as a pioneer for sustainable action. As an example, the "Rothaarsteig" is to be further developed into Germany's first sustainable and climate-resilient quality long-distance hiking trail.

Sauerland-Tourismus e.V.

"Steigerraum" for low-barrier offers in the Zollverein monument trail

In order to increase the attractiveness of the Zollverein Coal Mine Heritage Trail, the plan is to set up a Steigerraum for low-barrier offers. As an appealing educational space in the middle of the monument trail, it will be used all year round for accessible tour formats and guided tours with former miners in addition to the visit to the historic colliery complex.

Zollverein Foundation

Tourism Data Initiative NRW

The aim is to establish an AI hub to complement the Data Hub NRW. Using the latest digital possibilities, for example, AI is to be tested on a pilot basis in order to provide guests with information tailored to their target group. Among other things, this will make it possible to suggest individual excursion destinations and provide information about their occupancy rates and the traffic situation.

Tourismus NRW e.V.

Underground world of the Zollverein colliery

The aim is to establish a new inclusive, barrier-free, multi-sensory offering at Zeche Zollverein to convey the "underground world". A permanent exhibition will present the people, their work, their personal stories, their interactions and authentic impressions of the underground area of the Zollverein colliery in a didactic way and with current references.

Zollverein Foundation

Vogelsang Digital Experience

The aim is to increase the attractiveness of Vogelsang as a tourist location and extracurricular place of learning by developing and establishing new digital offers and applications on site and online. This also includes the development of a Vogelsang app and an interactive information and tour guide system.

Vogelsang IP gGmbH

Water-rich Flora Westfalica

The Ems flows through the Flora-Westfalica-Park in Rheda-Wiedenbrück and creates the starting point for the design of the new "Flora Westfalica Water Kingdom" as a new tourist attraction. Along the central theme of "water", new nature experiences will be made possible in Flora-Westfalica Park, visitor guidance will be optimized and the tourist infrastructure modernized.

Flora Westfalica GmbH

Zeche Zollern - Of gardens, people and slag heaps

The aim is to develop and implement two digital tours in the form of an app. In relation to the International Garden Exhibition IGA 2027, the slag heap and colliery settlement "Kolonie Landwehr" belonging to the Zollern colliery in Dortmund are to be staged.

Westphalian State Museum of Industrial Heritage Zollern Colliery

ARbenteuer Rhein-Erft - Augmented reality in the Rhein-Erft district

The project involves a digital scavenger hunt with augmented reality through various municipalities, with each adventure featuring digital trophies and informative facts. The focus is on the visualization of the Hambach open-cast mining lake, the ceramic culture in Frechen and the sustainable tourism of the Ville lakes.

Rhine-Erft district

Auenland Gemünd/Urft

The "Auenland" project is dedicated to creating a nature experience in the Eifel National Park. With the construction of a suspension bridge to cross the Urft and its connection to existing paths, a 5.8 km long circular trail is to be created. The circular trail is to be connected to existing hiking trails, such as the EifelSteig and the WildnisTrail, and equipped with several information boards on which various key topics will be covered.

Eifel-Rur Water Association

Castle - Cabin - Cabbage

The aim is to increase the use of Schloss Senden as an educational, cultural and recreational venue. Innovative and natural overnight accommodation on an unused meadow is intended to attract bicycle tourists in particular.

Schloss Senden e.V.

The Sauerland - an outdoor region for everyone

With this project, various partners from the Sauerland region have set themselves the goal of improving accessibility in the Sauerland, preparing information on accessible offers and marketing them to specific target groups. The aim is to develop accessibility in harmony with nature.

Sauerland-Tourismus e.V.

Your castle experience - digital, flexible, innovative!

Digital short tours equipped with artificial intelligence and augmented reality are intended to whet the appetite of cyclists in the Münsterland region for visiting the interiors of castles and palaces. Gamification elements and the option to set the duration of the visit individually are intended to create further incentives for visitors.

Münsterland e.V.

Cologne Zoo experience

Through the development of a new zoo app, the associated guidance of visitors and VR applications, Cologne Zoo is to be upgraded for tourism as part of this project. Various points of attraction are to be created along a new route for visitors, e.g. via sensory touch models of animals and multi-touch screens. A VR experience in the zoo's species conservation center is the highlight of this new route.

AG Cologne Zoological Garden

The Neandertal Gorge experience. Welcome to the Neandertal adventure world

The aim of the project is to upgrade the development between the plateau at the S-Bahn station and the valley area in the Neandertal adventure world for tourism. A "mammoth slide" is planned for this purpose. In addition, further measures will be implemented to enable low-threshold informal learning along the footpath connection.

Neanderthal Museum Foundation

Family adventure trails in the Düren district

The district of Düren is to be established as a hiking destination as part of this project by planning and developing five adventure trails at various locations within the region (Rureifel, Indeland, city of Düren). The adventure trails are primarily geared towards the needs of families with children.

Düren district

Hermann adventure trail Detmold

An eleven-kilometre circular trail will use QR codes at nine stations to convey content on the subject of Hermann with a connection to the region. The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest is planned as a central element. The QR codes are to be displayed on life-size 3D-printed figures of Hermann.

Lippe Tourism & Marketing GmbH

Pader river landscape information and experience concept

The project aims to sustainably improve the accessibility of the Pader river landscape for tourists and make it easier to experience from a cultural-historical and ecological perspective. Specifically, this will be achieved through a combination of experience and experimentation sites at important natural and cultural-historical points from the source to the estuary, a new signage system to guide visitors in a targeted manner and an information center as a central information and education point.

City of Paderborn

Conception and design of the visitor information area and the permanent exhibition of the Bislicher Insel Nature Forum, Xanten

An innovative and barrier-free modular exhibition is planned at the Bislicher Insel NatureForum in Xanten, with each module focusing on a specific theme. This should attract additional tourists. The floodplain as a changing habitat is the overarching theme. Other modules are dedicated to bird migration, insect biodiversity, climate change and sustainable land use.

Ruhr Regional Association

Tap water-friendly Römer-Lippe route

The aim of the project is to equip the Römer-Lippe route with drinking stations, which should enable cycle tourists in particular to tap water free of charge. The project also includes individual marketing measures, such as advertising on social media and events with a water load wheel on site to raise awareness of the issue of drinking water.

a tip: tap e.V.


The Lippe floodplain landscape is to be more widely recognized as an outdoor region. Plans include two adventure towers as viewing points along the Lippe, a Lippe app, rest areas, covered recreational facilities and access to the water.

City of Lippstadt

Redesign of the visitor and information center in the Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park with sustainable redevelopment of the central control room

A new concept is planned for the visitor and information center with an exhibition and a presentation room for groups.

Duisburg Kontor Hallenmanagement GmbH


The core objective of the project is to install up to 50 new information steles at various hotspots in the Ruhr region. A central system will be used to compile the content displayed in real time.

Ruhr Tourismus GmbH

Urban.trails - rambles through the Ruhr region

15 so-called city hiking trails in the Ruhr region are to be developed and marketed. In this way, tourists are to be guided to districts, quarters and neighborhoods that have hardly been developed for tourism to date.

Ruhr Tourismus GmbH

Hiking experience neanderland STEIG - interactive, experience-oriented, digital!

The project aims to qualitatively and sustainably upgrade the existing infrastructure on the "Neanderlandsteig" circular hiking trail in terms of an infrastructural experience. At the heart of the project is the installation of 17 individually designed stages with informative elements (e.g. information boards, QR codes).

Mettmann district

TimesHiking Hermannshöhen

The Hermannshöhen long-distance hiking trail is to be given a contemporary upgrade. A sustainable service infrastructure in conjunction with landscape staging and themed stages should increase the number of tourists on site. In addition, the statue of Hermann is to be used as a distinctive feature at various locations along the trail, e.g. the statue's helmet as a rest hut or the sword as a seat.

OstWestfalenLippe GmbH

Back to the future: Windeck/Sieg nature and culture experience

The aim of the project is to enhance the castle ruins and the Sieg waterfall in Windeck for tourism and to integrate them into the tourism offering of the entire region. Specifically, infrastructural measures are to be implemented, an AR application tested, a marketing and event concept developed and an information system for signposting and visitor guidance installed.

Rhine-Sieg district

Alle Fördermaßnahmen ansehen

Das EFRE/JTF-Programm NRW 2021–2027 fördert Projekte aus den Themenfeldern Innovation und Forschung, Gründung und Digitalisierung, Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung, Stadt und Region, Transformation in Kohleregionen sowie Strategische Technologien. Finden Sie jetzt die passende Fördermaßnahme für Ihr Projekt!