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Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

Future vouchers for the Rhineland region

Rheinisches Revier
Small and medium-sized enterprises

For the green transformation of the Rhenish coal mining region - NRW and the EU are supporting the change with a broad range of funding for small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the coal phase-out.

The phase-out of lignite mining and the associated green transformation will pose major challenges for companies in the Rhenish mining area over the next few years. Business models, supplier structures and employee qualification requirements will change - often requiring considerable operational adjustments. At the same time, structural change and digitalization offer many companies the opportunity to make processes more climate-friendly and resource-efficient or to tap into new growth markets.

The state and the EU are using the Just Transition Fund (JTF) to support three - freely combinable - modules from the wide range of "Zukunftsgutscheine Rheinisches Revier" to support change in the region:

  • TransformConsult (consulting)
  • TransformInvest (investments)
  • TransformExpert (personnel)

Funding is provided for projects that aim to transform production processes, business models and diversify products in terms of sustainability, resource conservation, energy efficiency, climate protection and digitalization, as well as digitalization projects if the company is active or wants to become active in a green transformation market.

TransformConsult -Consulting

What is funded?

  • Consulting services for changing the business model to serve the markets of the green transformation

How is funded?

  • The assessment basis is 1,200 euros per consulting day and is limited to a maximum of 15 days' work. Of these costs, 60% can be covered.
  • Special feature: SMEs can choose their consultant. They must have the appropriate skills and relevant references.

TransformInvest - Investments

What is funded?

  • Investments for the energy and resource-oriented optimization of industrial and commercial plants and processes
  • Innovation investments up to the development of prototypes with the goal of a climate-neutral economy
  • Investments for the digitalization of business and production processes (if the company is active in a green transformation market/wants to become active)

In particular, expenditure on plant, machinery, patents and operating licenses is eligible for funding.

How is funding provided?

  • The maximum funding rate is 60%.
  • Investments in tangible and intangible assets for the sustainable diversification of production (in accordance with Article 17 of the GBER)
  • Process and organizational innovation (in accordance with Article 29 of the GBER)
  • Investments in environmental protection (in accordance with Article 36 of the GBER) insofar as these go beyond legal requirements

Individual funding under the GBER is limited to a maximum of €2 million per company and project.

In the case of de minimis funding, the maximum funding amount is 200,000 euros. It is reduced by the de minimis aid that the company has received in the last two tax years and in the current tax year. This also includes subsidies for the TransformConsult and TransformExpert modules.


Übersicht Fördersätze TransformInvest

TransformExpert - Personnel

What is funded?

  • Employment of a transformation expert for a maximum of 24 months with the task of preparing the company for the transformation of the business model to serve the green transition markets and managing the implementation.
  • Prerequisite: relevant professional experience of at least two years

How is funded?

60% of the flat-rate personnel expenses are eligible for funding.


Beispielrechnung Transformationsexpertin oder -experte mit Master-Abschluss


Beispielrechnung Transformationsexpertin oder -experte mit Bachelor-Abschluss oder Meister


Förderbekanntmachung „Zukunftsgutscheine des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen" (23.08.24)

Frequently asked questions

Small and medium-sized companies with fewer than 250 employees and a turnover of up to 50 million euros per year or a balance sheet total of up to 43 million euros per year from the Rhenish mining area: Aachen city region, Mönchengladbach city, Düren district, Heinsberg district, Rhine-Erft district, Rhine-Neuss district. They must also meet one of the following requirements:

  • The company is directly affected by the coal phase-out. It maintains or creates jobs as part of a diversification process.
  • The company is transforming its business model in order to exploit business opportunities in the green transition markets and thus create new jobs.

Applications for the TransformConsult, TransformationsExpert and TransformInvest funding programs can be submitted on an ongoing basis.

Applications are submitted via the portal. It is essential that you make use of the funding advice provided by the Düsseldorf district government.

Find your contact person

Zejnulla Sinani

Förderrechtliche Beratung
Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf
Cecilienallee 2
40474 Düsseldorf
0211 475-2495

Karsten Moschek

IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein
Bismarckstraße 109
41061 Mönchengladbach
02131 9268-513

Steffen Bellenstedt

IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein
Bismarckstraße 109
41061 Mönchengladbach
02131 9268-510

Marion Brück

IHK zu Köln
Unter Sachsenhausen 5–7
50667 Köln
02271 83761-850

Humaam Mazyek

IHK Aachen
Theaterstraße 6 - 10
52065 Aachen
0241 4460-281

Sven Dohmen

IHK Aachen
Theaterstraße 6 - 10
52062 Aachen
0241 4460-280

Kira Herchner

Förderrechtliche Beratung
Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf
Cecilienallee 2
40474 Düsseldorf
0211 475-3166

Sarah Menzel

Förderrechtliche Beratung
Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf
Cecilienallee 2
40474 Düsseldorf
0211 475 - 5232

Further links and downloads

Detailed information on all future voucher offers can be found at

Alle Fördermaßnahmen ansehen

Das EFRE/JTF-Programm NRW 2021–2027 fördert Projekte aus den Themenfeldern Innovation und Forschung, Gründung und Digitalisierung, Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung, Stadt und Region, Transformation in Kohleregionen sowie Strategische Technologien. Finden Sie jetzt die passende Fördermaßnahme für Ihr Projekt!